What is SAFE?

The Students Achieving First-Year Excellence (SAFE) Program was founded in 1987. SAFE is a peer mentoring program designed to help students successfully transition through their first year of college. SAFE minimizes academic, social, and economic challenges by providing information about Charlotte support services to facilitate a smooth transition for students.
SAFE makes use of individual tutoring, personal counseling, study sessions, interaction with faculty and staff, goal setting and leadership development to aid in the retention and graduation of SAFE participants.
SAFE combines academic support with personal development programming to encourage academic achievement, positive self concept and increased personal growth. Participation in SAFE helps students achieve not only their Charlotte degree of choice but also a degree of excellence in the future.
- Consistently outperform their non-program peers in the classroom
- Are far more prepared for the classroom than their non-program peers
- On average are more prepared for the job market after graduation
- Connect with other students, faculty and staff
- Develop successful time management skills
- Become familiar with campus resources and services
- Attend student-led workshops geared to their academic success and personal development
- Connect with a trained SAFE Mentor who will serve as a resource throughout your first year
- Develop life-long friendships
- Celebrate the “Small Wins” throughout your first year experience
For questions about the SAFE Program please contact us at 704-687-0363